
Middle and High Programs-01

Juliette is available to provide a variety of programs and consulting services for students, parents, faculty, and administrators. These include one-time programs, a series of workshops for multiple grades, training for school counselors, drop-off trainings for parents, review of your school policies as they relate to sexual and relationship violence, working with your students to create a peer education program and awareness campaigns, or a combination of all of the above to truly create positive change within your community.

Consulting and Pricing Philosophy-01

Chrysalis Network respects the knowledge and perspective of each client and strive to build a working relationship that honors your experiences, expertise, and needs. We are committed to creating tailored and effective services and programs that also fit your budget. The eradication of sexual and relationship violence cannot occur without the elimination of all forms of oppression such as sexism, heterosexism, racism, classism, and ablism. All of our work stems from this foundation and is the lens we use to create programs, policies, and services.

Contact Us Let’s schedule a program, explore program possibilities or schedule an in-person consultation.


The following is a sample of programs that Juliette can provide for students and administrators, faculty and parents. We are able to facilitate programs in other areas as well as needed. Please contact us if you do not see the program you are looking for below. All of our programs are interactive and use current day popular culture examples. See our training philosophy for more information on our approach to learning.


Healthy Relationships/Boundaries & Communication
This will explore comparisons between healthy and unhealthy relationships. Students will be involved in multiple activities including discussing a spectrum of common behaviors in dating relationships, and role-play different scenarios to help them identify what is healthy. Students will be encouraged to share aspects of relationships they respect. Resources and how to help a friend will also be addressed.

This program will define various types of bullying including verbal, physical, and cyber. Students will learn about people who bully, people who are bullied, and the bystanders of the bullying. Short and long-term effects of bullying as well as how to respond to acts of bullying and resources for help will be discussed. This program will also look at the connection between bullying behavior and sexual assault and relationship violence.

Sexual Assault
This program will help students define sexual assault and understand the associated laws in NC. Primary prevention of this violence through being an active bystander and deconstructing gender roles will be a key element of this program. Students will also learn the prevalence of sexual assault among teenagers and how it can be part of relationship violence. The sexual abuse of boys will be addressed and resources will be available.

Gender Roles
This program will look at the traditional roles boys and girls are given in our culture, how this impacts behaviors, social norms, media messages, and interactions within peer groups. The program will connect how these traditional roles reinforce a culture of sexual assault and relationship violence and teach skills to challenge these messages.

Bystander Intervention
While this topic is the underpinning of all of the above programs, we are also available to do focused training and workshops on how to be a successful and active bystander. This program will focus on empowering students to respond safely and effectively when they witness potentially abusive or negative behavior towards others. Students will understand their role in creating a safe environment for themselves and others, in school, at home, and within their greater community. This program will also emphasize situations that would require reporting to an adult.

Transition to College
For high school seniors. The primary goal of this program is to emphasize the cultural norms and expectations of being an active bystander in college as it relates to intervening in situations where an act of sexual or relationship violence is possible. The program will teach students basic intervention skills and address common barriers to intervening. Additionally, Juliette survived a rape as a first-year college student and can share her story as part of this program, emphasizing the need for active bystanders, knowing campus resources, what to do if you or a loved one is raped, and the importance of being a supportive friend. Students will learn how to help a friend and how to identify resources when they get to college.

Survivor Story
Juliette Grimmett experienced a rape as a first-year student in college. Since then she has shared her story in a variety of public settings. Her story has also been published in the book Voices of Courage: Inspiration from Survivors of Sexual Assault. She is available to share her story for a large audience or assembly, or as part of smaller trainings or workshops. This can also be a powerful program for parents to understand how to be helpful and supportive. Her story will emphasize the need for active bystanders, the importance of being a supportive friend, and what to do if you are raped.


Peer Education
Students often learn best when they receive messages from other students. Creating a peer education program in your school is a powerful and effective way to make significant positive change within your community. Peer education topics can include bullying, gender roles, media messages, cyberstalking and social networks, and sexual and relationship violence. We can help you create the structure for a successful peer education program as well as develop the training curriculum. Institutionalizing such a program sends a strong message of commitment to ending violence within your community.

Disclosure Response
It is known that the healing path for a survivor of sexual or relationship violence is directly linked to the response of the people to whom they disclose. As such it is vital that school counselors, faculty, and staff are trained to effectively and empathically respond to students who disclose sexual assault, relationship violence or bullying. This includes knowing appropriate medical, legal, and therapeutic referrals. Parents can also benefit from similar training. This program will emphasize the need for your school to provide visible safe spaces for students to report these experiences and behaviors.

Resource Library
We can help you create a working resource library that includes books, posters, pamphlets, and fact sheets for students to learn about sexual violence, relationship violence, healthy relationships, bullying, cyber and social media dangers, gender roles, and community resources. We can also view your current resources to ensure they are representative of diverse students and families.

Safe & Healthy Homes
This program seeks to help parents create a home environment that encourages communication, safety, and respect. The harmful impact of common video games, television shows, commercials, and music will be examined. Common language and gender roles will also be analyzed as contributors to sexual and relationship violence. Parents will have the opportunity to share challenges they have faced with their children and ways in which to overcome these challenges will be addressed.

Difficult Conversations
In addition to the daily issues they see among their peers, students are exposed to thousands of media messages. These often include headlines that deal with complex issues such as school shootings, the shooting of Trayvon Martin, Chris Brown and Rihanna, the Steubenville rape, and Charlie Sheen’s abusive behavior to women. Our kids see and hear these stories and need to talk about them. This program will help empower parents and/or teachers to initiate discussions about these issues in a productive and safe way. We will also discuss the negative impact on our kids if we ignore these conversations, and how these conversations can empower our kids to have a greater understanding of the world around them.

Campus & Community Resources
This program will train staff and parents on community resources available both within their school system and in the greater community as they relate to disclosures of sexual and relationship violence. This program will place a strong emphasis on laws, reporting obligations, and medical and legal options for survivors of violence.

Survivor Story
Juliette Grimmett experienced a rape as a first-year student in college. Since then she has shared her story in a variety of public settings. Her story has also been published in the book Voices of Courage: Inspiration from Survivors of Sexual Assault. She is available to share her story for a large audience or assembly, or as part of smaller trainings or workshops. This can also be a powerful program for parents to understand how to be helpful and supportive. Her story will emphasize the need for active bystanders, the importance of being a supportive friend, and what to do if you are raped.